Need more young activists to fight climate change
Calling all high school and college students -- defend your future. Climate change is accelerating glacier melts, heating oceans, creating more vicious storms and causing extreme drought. These, in turn, will cause ocean rise, destroying whole cultures, famine with population displacements, heat trauma for millions, destruction of habitats, etc. -- a domino effect out of control.
Unfortunately, governments entrenched with fossil fuel interests and selfish nationalism have been roadblocks to renewable energies that can save our planet.
While technology and future panic may save us from our addiction to dirty energy, we need more of you, the younger generation, to behave like Greta Thunberg and become activists. Complacency is not an option.
Fossil fuels should go the way of the dinosaur era from which they came — they are dirty and destructive. Your children will live in a world with one problem compounding upon another. Fight for your lives, write your legislators, confront polluting industries and burn with a passion as if your lives depend upon it. They do — your children’s too.
True Republicans are minority in their party
As we navigate what was supposed to be the post-Trump political landscape, I have to mourn how Trump continues to hold sway over the Republican Party. Elected Republicans continue to support Trump because of the 30 percent support Trump enjoys with the general public. Trump endorses those who endorse him. Those favored by Trump raise money from Trump’s supporters and continue to spread Trump’s lies. All parties in this corrupt echo chamber come out ahead. Everyone wins but the American people.
The traditional Republicans who believe in lower taxes, less government, balanced budgets and a strong defense are marginalized and labeled as Republicans “in name only.” We are seeing the takeover of the Republican Party by the Tea Party.
True Republicans are in the minority in their party. If there is a rumble in Abilene, Kansas, it’s Dwight Eisenhower rolling over in his grave.