5/18 Readers write


Credit: pskinner@ajc.com

Credit: pskinner@ajc.com

Calling on governor for commonsense gun legislation

The foundational principles of the great state of Georgia are embedded in the state motto of Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.

And constitutionally, the governor is to “take care that the laws are faithfully executed and … be the conservator of the peace” in the state.

The unimaginable news of yet another tragic mass shooting in our capital city on May 3 breaks our collective hearts and any sense of peace and places the scourge of gun violence squarely and unmistakably in the Georgia governor’s inbox.

So I implore Gov. Brian Kemp to show wisdom and set aside loyalties to donors and the stranglehold of the gun lobby.

Show your sense of justice and represent the best interests of all your citizens by proactively leading in the development of multipronged commonsense gun legislation.

Show moderation by walking the bipartisan high ground where most Georgians of conscience and right thinking already stand and give us all some hope that governors can be true leaders in challenging times.


Limits needed on power plant gas emissions

In the May 12 Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a news story about a proposed greenhouse gas emission limit on power plants is very encouraging.

These existing coal and gas-powered power plants generate about 25% of U.S. greenhouse gas pollution, second only to transportation. These greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere and cause global warming.

Many farmers in Georgia and all around the globe are already experiencing the effects of global warming with more frequent droughts, floods and other severe weather events. These weather events often result in less crop production, causing inflation for the consumer.

Using a technology that is available, all existing and new power plants would be required to cut or capture nearly all their carbon dioxide emissions by 2038. I hope U.S. Rep. McBath, senators Ossoff and Warnock and everyone who wants cleaner air will support this proposal.