Let’s work together to modify Social Security, Medicare

As we move past this election season and consider the issues facing our country, it’s difficult to overlook the elephant in the room. Why can’t we find a consensus on modifying Social Security and Medicare?

These programs safeguard seniors in their golden years. Republicans actually acknowledged that their solutions were to raise the eligibility age and cut annual raises, and Kevin McCarthy said this before the election. Social Security has always been the third rail of politics. Now Republicans freely admit that their solution is weakening these programs.

While no one likes the thought of more taxes, after the Trump tax cuts and a booming economy, perhaps modifications to Social Security and Medicare in the form of commonsense tax increases would actually slow the economy down and ease inflation.

Whatever the solution, our seniors are waiting for it.


Georgia’s GOP doesn’t care about average person

The voting maps are revealing — solid red for Herschel Walker in virtually all rural areas. Herschel, utterly unqualified, received nearly 2 million votes. What gives?

To our rural neighbors: the GOP does not care about you! Oh sure, they give you a double dose of propaganda about religion, automatic gun ownership, the need to ban books and censure teachers and the joy of discriminating against gay people and anyone else perceived as “different.”

But here’s what it comes down to: the GOP is all about the protection of white wealth and privilege. You are being played with cultural issues that they really care nothing about.

Think about it: “conservatives” want the status quo, i.e., enormous profits benefiting only the already-wealthy elite. They do not give a damn about the average person, whether that person happens to be in an urban or rural part of the state.