Ga. PSC not balancing citizens’ interests against utilities

Every Georgian owes it to themselves to read the Oct. 20 AJC opinion piece written by Patty Durand, “State Needs Electric Utility Reform.”

If there was ever a reason for Georgia voters to carefully scrutinize who they are voting for on the Public Service Commission (PSC), this is it!

While the PSC’s mission is that of balancing the interests of Georgia citizens against utilities such as Georgia Power, it is becoming crystal clear to anyone watching that this isn’t happening.

It may be time to level the playing field by electing some PSC members who can really represent Georgia citizens.

And by the way, what’s going on with the federal judge’s suspension of the PSC race when Durand was running for a seat?


Conservative activists have come out against contraception too

Recently, the AJC printed a letter from a conservative reader complaining that Paul Krugman’s opinion column, in which he warns that Republican lawmakers and conservative activists may be planning to outlaw contraception as well as abortion, is an unwarranted attack on them.

We are apparently supposed to just ignore the evidence. One example appears in a recent New Yorker magazine article quoting the head of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a known right-wing legal group: “It may be that the day will come when people say the birth-control pill was a mistake.” This same group defends employers who don’t want to have contraception included in insurance coverage for their employees.

In the end, it is all too evident that what conservatives really want is not to save the lives of putative unborn children, but to punish adults -- especially women -- for having sex of which (they claim) God disapproves. Unfortunately for them, far too many of us see this and are fighting back.