Are you ready to make your mark on Atlanta's film and TV industry? Are you the next Tyler Perry? ATL is in need of young stars. Check out the Peach City's latest casting call for your chance at fame.
This is part of BET’s scripted anthology series based on classic hip-hop songs, which are reimagined to make “mini-movies.”
What are they looking for?
Men and women age 18-80 are needed to portray dance concert patrons. You’ll need to have cocktail and “night out” attire.
When are they filming?
Filming will be in Atlanta between Aug. 4 and 11.
How much does it pay?
Pay is $64 for eight hours of work, with overtime after that.
How do I submit?
Send an e-mail to with "CONCERT" in the subject line. Include your full name, phone number, city you'll be traveling from, all sizes, height, weight and three current photos (one full body, one headshot and one from the waist up).