The girl uploaded the video to her Facebook page after she took a stroll through a park on a Japanese island. Yu Yu Lam Lam found herself suddenly being “tailed" by hundreds, if not thousands, of bunnies.

The young woman said in the caption that the rabbits were following her because she was their prophet.

On the other hand, maybe it was because she was carrying food and they all wanted a bite.

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The incident took place on Okunoshima, a Japanese island off the coast of Takehara.

Rabbits were first brought to the island following World War II when it was turned into a park. That led to Okunoshima being referred to as “Rabbit Island,” a spot tourists feed the animals on a regular basis.  The rabbits have become experts at spotting bags containing food.

The video has gone viral because who doesn’t like watching stampeding, fuzzy fury?

Additionally, the little critters are just cute. See the video below.