A Holly Springs, North Carolina, girl showcased her individuality during her dance school's princess week.
While her classmates at Holly Springs School of Dance dressed in princess dresses in pastel shades of blues, pinks and greens, Ainsley Turner dressed as a hot dog.
BuzzFeed News reported that the photos of Ainsley, 5, were initially posted on Twitter in May by dance teachers Sarah Nativi and her friend, Grayson Lamontagne.
"She loves princesses, but she wanted to be original and wear a hot dog costume instead," Nativi told BuzzFeed News. "She wore a princess costume underneath it and said she was a princess on the inside."
Lamontagne said she tweeted pictures of Ainsley in costume "because it was so innocent and cute, and also because I was so impressed with how confident a little girl could be with herself to just wear whatever she liked the best."
"Her parents and I agree that it’s a great message for young girls and they are, as I can imagine, very proud of Ainsley," Lamontagne told BuzzFeed News, adding that she was shocked by the amount of attention her tweet got.
"At first it kind of freaked me out because it’s not my child, but her parents seem to be enjoying it," she said.
Ainsley's dad, Brandon Turner, said the costume was all his daughter's idea, and he's shocked by how popular his daughter has been on the internet with the hashtag #hotdogprincess.
She certainly has no problem being herself.
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