Doctors found the maggot moving around in her ear and causing damage along the way.

They were the most surprised about what kind of larvae was calling her ear home.

"Most cases of animals in the ear canal are the flying objects and cockroaches," one doctor told NBC News. "The fruit fly larva in ear canal is relatively unusual."

It’s believed the woman’s hearing aid created a warm, moist environment that allowed the maggot to thrive.

The Daily Mail reports that Dr. Cheng-Ping Shih said the injury to the woman's ear is already healing, and the pain went away as soon as the maggot was removed.

They believe the Taiwanese woman picked up the parasite at her home.

Medical workers say it’s common for fruit flies to gather near unrefrigerated food in counties that are warm. Doctors sent the woman home with antibiotics and said she will be just fine.

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