1. Georgia real estate agent sues over Ellen Degeneres joke. Georgia real estate agent Titi Pierce's name provided some comic fodder for Ellen DeGeneres' talk show, but Pierce isn't laughing. She's suing. [Read more]
2. Police go to wrong house and shoot owner. Henry County police shot a 63-year-old man after going to the wrong house, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Wednesday. [Read more]
3. Grantville judge dismisses $1,590 fine for no decal. Stress caused Linda Ford's hair to fall out and most likely was the reason she was injured at work as she dealt with being on probation and making monthly payments on a $1,590 fine for not putting a decal on her license plate. [Read more]
4. Good English band member responds to criticism of her defense of Brock Turner. The drummer of popular Ohio indie band Good English has responded to criticism of her defense of Brock Turner. [Read more]
5. 15 best foods for a flat belly. When you're trying to slim down your stomach, core exercises and ab workouts go a long way-but what you eat also plays a huge role. [Read more]
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