"Furloughs Vary Widely At Government Agencies Amid Sequestration Cuts."Let's have unpaid furlough days for members of Congress instead of staff positions.
"I have views that are both liberal and conservative, so what am I? Smart, educated, informed ... able to think for myself!
If you have both liberal and conservative views what are you? NORMAL!
How is it selfish of me if I want to keep what I earn, but it's not selfish of you to want to take what I earn?
If the economic health ofAtlanta is CONTINGENT on Mr. Blank's Falcons playing 10 games per season in a NEW billion- dollars-plus stadium,Atlanta is in deep trouble.
So what are the elected officials who caused sequestration giving up? Our forefathers made one very costly mistake; they should have put Congress on Piece Work.
Democrats and Republicans mostly cannot think for themselves. They blame the other side for everything again and again.
If Georgia weather can change on a dime so can the political color of the state, so I'm staying put.
I don't move to a blue State because I had hoped that red Georgians can be cured of their insanity.
You can be Southern born and still not be a Southerner.Your mama and daddy might've been yankees.
With the Ga. Lottery, you DO have a chance to win.The less you need it, the greater the chance, and if you've already won big, you'll win big again.
The first day my church starts allowing guns on the premises is when I change churches!