The right wants to know where the left was on gun control when they had the White House
As Democrats condemn the right for doing nothing after mass shootings, Republicans ask why the left did not pass another assault weapons ban when they were in charge. A roundup of editorials Monday takes a look at the issue.

Opinions from the right:

1. Democrats, Spare Me Your Hypocrisy on Guns
From S.E. Cupp, CNN: Where were the Democrats on gun issues when they had the House, Senate and White House?

2. School Shootings and Nothingness
From TownHall: We've lost our belief system, that is our problem.

3. Do You Know How Your Kids Will React in an Active School Shooting?
From Bryan Crabtree: Kids should be aware, but we need enhanced security so they are never in that position.

The left has news for the president: The indictment of 13 Russians shouldn't make you comfortable.