If we are looking for answers to why the massacre in Parkland, Florida, happened, then we have to take a look at the failures of government. A roundup of editorials Tuesday takes a look at the issue.

Opinions from the right:

1. It's high time for the Broward County sheriff to resign

From The Federalist: Scott Israel’s headed a department that has been shown to have engaged in a pattern of incompetence. Why is he still the sheriff?

2. Government is using your rights as a scapegoat for its failures in Parkland

From columnist Katie Pavlich: It wasn’t the lack of gun control that allowed Parkland to happen, it was the government failing miserably.

3. Why the left opposes arming teachers

From Townhall: Liberals are ferocious when it comes to Confederate statues, but when it comes to serious issues, they seem to always end up on the side of disarming the good.

Still on the fence about the Nunes memo? The left has the answer - it's the Schiff memo.