President Donald Trump announced Thursday his hire of former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, who will replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser.

The left believes the hire is a dangerous one. A roundup of opinions explores the issue:

1. Yes, John Bolton really is that dangerous

From The New York Times: "There are few people more likely to lead the country into war, in more than one place."

2. The real reason Trump's choice of John Bolton should terrify you

From The Washington Post: "What's really happening is that Trump is increasingly surrounding himself with advisers who are better than the 'adults in the room' at manipulating his erratic and shifting impulses and whims, by giving a shape to them he can accept and act upon."

3. In his second year, Donald Trump is building a more extreeme, confrontational presidency

From Vox: "Donald Trump has hired John Bolton, fired Rex Tillerson, and made clear his presidency is getting more confrontational. The Trump administration gets worse from here."