A roundup of editorials Monday includes a look at ‘hiring the best’ when it comes to Paul Manafort; the latest effort to repeal Obamacare and what President Trump means when he addresses the United Nations

Here are some opinions from the Right.

1. This is Not What Hiring “The Best” Looks Like

From The Resurgent: Eric Erickson questions the president’s hiring skills as the investigation into Paul Manafort’s actions continue.

2. Last-Ditch Effort to Repeal Obamacare Is Surprisingly Good

From Investor's Business Daily: Has the Senate finally hit on a bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act and makes sense?

3. Listen Up, U.N.: Trump Means What He's Telling You

From Fox News: President Trump, elected on a platform of America first, means what he says and the U.N. should take notice.