Georgia ethics panel will audit candidates in governor’s, mayor’s races

Former Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, has been battling a series of ethics complaints since 2009, when he was a top candidate for governor. Curtis Compton

Former Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, has been battling a series of ethics complaints since 2009, when he was a top candidate for governor. Curtis Compton

Candidates for governor in Georgia are often targets of campaign-report-related ethics complaints from political opponents who don’t want them to win the state’s top job.

But they'd better keep an even closer eye on their campaign books in 2018. Because the state's ethics watchdog agency is going to be auditing them.

In addition, the agency may audit other races — some after elections this year — such as the filings in the Atlanta mayor's race.

The decision comes after at least three major candidates faced campaign-related complaints the last time Georgia had an open governor's race, in 2010. One of those cases is still tied up in court, and many of the questions about the candidate weren't raised until an Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation five years after the election. By then, the statute of limitations on some of the accusations had run out.

To read more about the agency's plans, and what they mean, check out our story at