Battle over toxic emissions, potential risk of cancer continues

Neighbors of a Cobb County medical equipment sterilization plant protest during a town hall Aug. 19, which was held after a federal report showed the potential for elevated cancer risks in their area because of ethylene oxide emissions. Two Democratic state lawmakers and one Democratic congressman have called for the Sterigenics plant to be shut down until tests prove it is safe. CURTIS COMPTON / CCOMPTON@AJC.COM

Neighbors of a Cobb County medical equipment sterilization plant protest during a town hall Aug. 19, which was held after a federal report showed the potential for elevated cancer risks in their area because of ethylene oxide emissions. Two Democratic state lawmakers and one Democratic congressman have called for the Sterigenics plant to be shut down until tests prove it is safe. CURTIS COMPTON / CCOMPTON@AJC.COM

Fear and doubt linger still linger over toxic emissions, as a regulatory battle rages in Georgia. In the latest episode of the Politically Georgia podcast, host Greg Bluestein and AJC investigative reporter Scott Trubey discuss the recent controversy involving toxic emissions, after a 2018 EPA report identified three areas in Georgia that showed potential for elevated risk of cancer from ethylene oxide exposure.

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