The cramming. The all-night studying. The caffeine overload. College final exams can be really tough.
Tough enough that two University of Georgia students decided they’d rather be hit by a car than take those pesky end-of-semester tests. So they placed an ad on Craigslist seeking someone to do just that.
The online ad was first reported by Flagpole, an alternative weekly newspaper based in Athens, and has since been removed. But it had very specific job requirements.
“I am looking for someone to run my friend and I over with their car,” the ad stated. “We do not want to die, we just want to be injured enough to get out of taking our finals here at UGA. Please do not kill.”
And the students offered compensation for the job, though not in the form of cash.
“Compensation: hitting two lovely ladies by vehicle w/permission,” the ad stated.
It was not known if any job seekers responded to the ad. There were not, however, any reports this week of two students being run over in Athens.
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