A special investigative report into DeKalb County corruption was released Wednesday by former Attorney General Michael Bowers and investigator Richard Hyde. Several recommendations were made. Here are five key points:

1. Interim CEO Lee May should resign due to, among several findings, a questionable loan from a county employee, and improper and potentially illegal spending by commissioners and other staff. A special election should be held to fill May's seat.

2. Citing hundreds of thousands of dollars in questionable spending, staff and employees should pay back unauthorized or illegally spent funds. Amnesty should be offered to employees who cooperate.

3. Because May reportedly hindered the investigation, and then stopped it altogether before hundreds of interviews could be conducted and thousands of documents could be reviewed, the Attorney General's office and a grand jury should continue investigating illegal conduct.

4. Employee purchase cards should be closed immediately (May suspended use of most cards when preliminary findings on spending were released in June).

5. A new day-to-day supervisor for all county operations should be appointed, with full power to manage all county departments.