From an FAQ on Cobb County’s website:

Q. Is funding for bus rapid transit along the 41 corridor included in the SPLOST?

A. The proposed BRT project is not on the SPLOST list Tier 1 or 2.

In the 2016 Proposed SPLOST Tier 2, Cobb Parkway and Associated Corridor, Intersection and Pedestrian Improvements from Kennesaw to Cumberland is shown at $72.5 million. This project includes corridor-wide operational improvements to intersections, signalization, and roads along with pedestrian facilities including Chastain at Busbee, Busbee Parkway at Big Shanty, Busbee Parkway at Barrett Parkway, South Barrett at US 41, Spring at Cumberland Boulevard, Cumberland Boulevard at Cumberland Parkway, Cumberland Boulevard at Akers Mill, Akers Mill at US 41, and Akers Mill at I-75.

These improvements are needed, regardless of transit expansion, to provide for operational capacity serving the tremendous growth along this corridor and major employers, activity centers and institutions (KSU, So. Poly, Life; Dobbins ARB/Lockheed; Town Center CID and Mall; Wellstar; Braves; Cumberland CID and Mall; Galleria/Energy Centre). Traffic along the corridor will grow from existing levels ranging from 24,730-46,740 daily trips with forecasted growth in 2040 to levels of 43,202 – 72,658 (trips). Necessary consideration of the managed lanes toll revenue agreements limits the options for improvement in the Cobb Parkway corridor. The operational improvements maximize throughput, support managing congested conditions and the pedestrian facilities provide for a safe pedestrian mode non-existent today. These projects are presented in Tier 2 so that activity center growth and managed lanes completion precedes possible implementation consideration.

Tier 1 projects must be implemented first. If collections exceed the revenues projected necessary for implementation of all of Tier 1, those projects in Tier 2 will be considered and prioritized by the Board of Commissioners at that time.