Government regulation
Proposed cellphone ban latest overreach
Before obnoxious behavior (“Proposed cellphone ban stirs debate,”, Dec. 13), nobody knew who the National Transportation Safety Board was, and now they’re a household name. Surely, a reality show will follow.
I have caused exactly one collision in my life and it was through inattention. I looked down for a moment to check something and the car in front of me slowed a bit too much. This was before I knew anyone who owned a cellphone. I was checking my speedometer to avoid getting a ticket. Clearly, speedometers are dangerous and must be banned.
If a hands-free conversation over the phone is too distracting, then conversation with one’s passenger must be at least equally distracting. Shall we mandate the use of gags for all passengers? Portable electronic devices are dangerous and must be banned? I’ll believe that one the moment cops voluntarily remove their laptops from their own squad cars.
Ben Ostrowsky, Atlanta
Good neighbor
Young Samaritan true to the holiday spirit
Yes, there is a Santa Claus. His name is Trey.
My wife and I recently got a flat tire during a pouring rain. I made it to a gas station but it offered no mechanical services and the clerk behind the counter could not tell me of any nearby station that could help. A young man named Trey overheard the conversation and offered help, which I happily accepted. After he completed the job, I offered him some money (which he refused to accept, and suggested I use it elsewhere).
Trey, if you read this, thank you. Merry Christmas. I have been putting your money in the Salvation Army buckets.
Frank Mazzucchi, Roswell
Presidential politics
Contenders unfit to lead the country
I am far from perfect. I have not especially distinguished myself during my life, nor have I made great contributions to our country or world. I am proud of a few accomplishments, and ashamed of many weaknesses. I am not running for president.
As political events unfold and I listen to the rants of these pretenders to the throne of this country, I wonder why no person of any decent standing has not pointed out that we are beset by fools at the least, and the insane at the most.
Why do we give these idiots our ear? They don’t know who they are or what they stand for. They are unethical. Their jabs at one another and at our president are an insult to us. They have no idea of the world that they live in and can’t remember what they have memorized when asked simple questions.
I don’t know if there is a God, but heaven help us if we allow any of these people to ascend to the presidency. Our fate will be sealed.
Marc Sadoux, Marietta
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