GOP undercutting scientific research
I agree with Jim Galloway (“A fight over NASA’s role: Space vs. Earth,” News, May 10). The Pentagon has said that climate change is an immediate threat to our national security. Rep. Loudermilk is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and currently serves as a member on the Homeland Security Committee, as well as on the Science, Space and Technology committee. As an honorable member of the military, and as a sitting member of the aforementioned committees, isn’t he working at cross-purposes when he wants to cut funding to NASA? Is he not aware that one of NASA’s three strategic goals is “Advance understanding of Earth and develop technologies to improve the quality of life on our home planet.” With increasing devastation from natural disasters and worldwide terrorism, is it a priority to be concerned with the race for space? One can only conclude that Loudermilk is either towing the Republican party line, or is simply out of touch with reality.
More gun statistics to think about
The AJC wants us to think about the statistics in their article (“Georgia’s gun deaths,” News, May 10). They are sad statistics, but here’s another set of statistics the AJC does not want us think about: How many millions of safe unarmed Jews died under Hitler, Russians under Stalin and Lenin, and Chinese under Mao? Despots and tyrants exist wherever they can subjugate people and/or convince them of things to fear (fear the police, fear the one percenters, fear carbon, fear whites). It is really helpful if they can’t fight back. Maybe you want to lay down, or will you ask the ones with a gun to protect you if the occasion calls for it?
Product safety push for gun industry
Regarding the May 10 story “Georgia’s Gun Deaths,” it’s apparent from the decline in car accident deaths that training, testing and improved product safety saves lives. Just because you have a right doesn’t mean you have no responsibility to ensure the safety of others when exercising that right. That goes for gun manufacturers, sellers and owners as it does for manufacturers, sellers and users of any product, whether or not you are exercising a Constitutional right.
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