Fewer abortions mean progress for women

Regarding “Akin’s gaffe is a glimpse of Republican attitudes” (Opinion, Aug. 28), Mary Sanchez defends the legality of abortion — but fails to decry the fact that so much demand for it indicates how society has failed its women.

We shouldn’t have to face the wrenching decisions intrinsic to unwanted pregnancies. We should be working to ensure that the women who get pregnant are those who want babies.

When abortion dramatically declines (not because it is illegal, but because there is little demand for it), women as a sex will have truly made progress.



Officials must resolve Social Security issue

Kudos to the AJC for the excellent article and summation regarding Social Security (“Program fixes doable but politics tough,” News, Aug. 20). Reading this and realizing what losses have already occurred in the two short years since this bipartisan panel’s recommendations were made because of legislative inaction, makes me angry.

What is it about our elected officials that they prefer to demagogue the issue — rather than resolve it?

All of us can stand a little pain now to protect the future of this program, but none of us can survive the loss of this program through legislative dishonesty and tomfoolery.

Thank you for making your readership aware of these facts.



Romney oil policy is irresponsible

Let’s talk about Mitt Romney’s environmental policy. With nary a nod to the environmental consequences, he advocates a wildly irresponsible policy of “drill, baby, drill.”

Does he think the Canadians and Mexicans will sell us their oil at anything less than the global market price? Does he think the folks living on coastal North Carolina and Virginia will quietly take one for “team Romney” ? Does he have any regard for the environmental consequences?

I think we can call this the Rep. Todd Akin-approach to environmental science: there will be no negative consequences, if you really, really wish hard.



Check signage at state road entrances

With the recent wrong-way accidents on Ga. 400, perhaps the Georgia Department of Transportation should check its signage at the entrances and exits of state roads.

All should be marked clearly and lit up at night (especially those exits and entrances that are parallel and can be quite confusing — even when drivers are clearheaded). Drivers should be extremely alert and careful at night, but a little help with clearly lit signs might eliminate most of the problem.