HB 87 represents the height of hypocrisy
In “Should Gov. Deal sign into law Georgia’s immigration bill?” (Pro & Con, Opinion, May 5), it is interesting that the spokesman for the Republican majority (with its deep ties to people of faith in Georgia) presents the hard line position, while Rev. Joanna Adams delivers the counter message of compassion (not only embraced by Christianity, but by Islam and Judaism as well).
HB 87 is bad legislation for business and moral reasons, but it should also be exposed for what it really is: pandering by legislative leaders to the xenophobic fears of those who see their communities in change. We have invited the immigrant community here by asking people to work for lower wages in less-than-desirable working conditions. Now, out of our frustration over the upheaval their presence causes, we pass bills to bash them. This is hypocrisy of the highest order. Gov. Deal, veto this bill!
Bill Bozarth, Atlanta
Launch reforms with a term-limits amendment
It’s time that we as citizens held our Congress accountable to the needs of the nation, instead of allowing them to placate special interests to fund re-election for a career in government. Congress has basically sold this country into bankruptcy during the last 30 years. This must be corrected, and an amendment for term limits would be a start.
Fred Hintze, Big Canoe
We may come to regret sneaking into Pakistan
Am I glad that Osama bin Laden is no longer walking this earth? Yes.
Am I happy that our armed forces and intelligence services were able to successfully target him? Absolutely.
Am I euphoric over the way it was done — and that we invaded another nation in order to accomplish it? By no means. I fear that we have ramped up the existing hatred that exists from the jihadists, and that they will increase their efforts to target us.
In the past decade, we have become more vulnerable because our resources are being diminished at an alarming rate. We cannot continue to expend our treasure and the lives of our troops at this pace and remain the dominant world power.
If I had a solution to this dilemma, I would propose it. I pray for divine guidance for our leaders, while despairing at the seeming lack of a clue of those in power.
Our fragmented approach is not working.
We should either declare that the only acceptable alternative is unconditional surrender, or retreat inside “Fortress America.” W.H. Fletcher, Peachtree City