Some have more right to life than others
A friend of mine, who has TSA pre-screening status, recently had to surrender a jar of rhubarb jam before boarding a flight to Texas, a pistol-packing state. Yet, a guy in Nevada and elsewhere can blithely carry machine guns up to his hotel room.
The so-called “greatness” of America is our guarantee of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” I take it that my friend was deprived of her liberty to happily carry home a jar of rhubarb jam, lest the lives of her fellow passengers be endangered. Apparently, that simple rationale does not apply to 2nd Amendment freaks.
North Koreans and Iranians must be snickering at our hypocrisy concerning their avowed national right to liberty and happiness to pack nuclear punch. After all, given our domestic idiocy, they must consider their lives more important than ours.
Liberals already yelling for gun control
True to form, in the aftermath of the massacre by an evil coward in Las Vegas, liberals are clamoring for tougher gun laws. They do so knowing full well the Vegas murderer would not have been deterred by any law.
Does anyone honestly believe that a person planning mass murder is going to worry about breaking gun laws? Or that if he had used a dump truck to plow through the crowd of concert goers or detonated a fertilizer bomb the carnage wouldn’t have been worse?
Evil exists and there are a multitude of ways and means a killer can employ. We need to stop resorting to casting blame for political gain on the NRA and those who support the Second Amendment and pay closer attention to diagnosing and treating mental illness.
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