Another reservoir would help in dry times
Again, metro Atlanta is in the grip of a drought. Haralson County is now in a water crises. As much as Florida and Alabama complain, the Lanier reservoir keeps the flow at a reasonable rate even with the rain shortage. It would be much worse without that reserve. It is time to reconsider the northwest reservoir. To store water when we have an abundance of rain for the lean times as we have now. Having a reserve would assure those downstream of a flow even in lean times. All the conservation measures out there will be of little help if the tap is dry.
Election choice leaves voter dejected
I have voted in 16 consecutive presidential elections, the first by absentee ballot while in the Navy, Roosevelt vs. Dewey.
I tell myself that voting is not just a privilege, it is also a duty. Yet I am worried that when the time comes to vote, in a matter of days, I won’t be able to persuade myself to go and cast a ballot for either of the unfit and unworthy 2016 candidates.
We have had immoral presidents before, but none with so brittle an ego that at the slightest offense, he starts shouting irrational abuses. And it would be nice if our first woman president were one who showed moral and intellectual honesty, and did not have a record of tragic mishandling of affairs in the Middle East as Secretary of State.
I tell myself that the Supreme Court is a reason to vote, to reverse the erosion of power from the legislative to the other branches. But to do that I would have to vote for one of the two deplorable candidates.
Lord, help me and us.
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