America must avoid ‘curse of the Clintons’
How can I put it? Trump will be a winner for America. Hillary Clinton would be the proverbial “curse of the Clinton regime.” Everybody knows at least several ugly snafu involvements with the Clintons. It comes with them. But, with Hillary, always: “it’s a conspiracy, they are lying, my health plan would work, my computer should have been safe, there were no terrorists killing the ambassador, the Clinton Foundation is nonprofit.” It goes on and on even as she brags about her service with a dramatic flip of her ladylike hand. She is absolutely determined to be a fixture in history no matter what it takes.
One famous admiral in battle said: “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!” Democrats send us that same message about Hillary.
KSU left out of selection for president
As a retired college professor, I am well aware of the importance of a national search for a university president. Five candidates who are best qualified visit the campus for interviews and meetings with students, faculty, and staff, and the input of all of these groups is considered in the selection of their president. Chancellor Huckaby, who is a former Republican legislator, has chosen to appoint Sam Olens, a fellow Republican politician with no experience in higher education, to the presidency of Kennesaw State University. As was the case with recent college mergers in the university system, Huckaby has not sought input from the students, faculty, and staff who are impacted by his dictatorial decisions. I hope the students, faculty, and staff of KSU will voice their outrage over how they are being ignored in the selection of their president.
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