Guns everywhere harmful far, wide
On Sept. 30, in the AJC, on page one, a man accidentally killed his wife with a gun as he armed himself for a potential carjacking. Did he even see a carjacker? Page two, the police shoot a man in Charlotte who seems to have a gun. How are the police to know who is a threat when seemingly everyone has the right-to-carry? Page three, a S.C. teenager kills his father with a gun and goes to the local elementary school to shoot children and teachers. And, overheard from a neighbor, the anguish of a Carrollton family whose son is expelled from school for taking a gun there in a peak of anger over a stolen cell phone. His education, plans and dreams — on hold indefinitely. When are we going to stop drinking the NRA’s Kool-Aid and realize the only ones we hurt with unfettered access to guns is ourselves?
No evidence Trump broke U.S. tax laws
Although it seems that Donald Trump did not pay taxes for certain years, there is no evidence he broke any tax laws. For the uninformed, taxes are paid only on income, not on wealth. I keep hearing the wealthy should pay more taxes. Many of the wealthy do not have income per se, but live off of investments and other financial means. If Trump had losses as claimed above his actual income, then he owed no taxes. If the liberals are so upset about the wealthy not paying enough taxes, then the tax laws should be changed. The most fair approach would be to abolish the cumbersome tax laws and go with an across-the-board tax, or the Fair Tax.
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