Judges need to be better read on law

I have been reading accounts of Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry Baxter’s censoring a TV news story related to the APS cheating scandal and then his reversal of that order after a private meeting with the prosecution (“APS judge: Media can report on threat,” News, Nov. 11). While I am gratified he acknowledged his initial “restraint order” was out of order and restored the constitutionality of freedom of the press, I am stunned Judge Baxter, who presumably has a law degree, admits “that he was not familiar with First Amendment law.”

Excuse me? Did I just read where a Superior Court judge said he is ignorant of freedom of the press? Why is he still on the bench? And why is he still on this case? Between the inept judicial system of DeKalb County and now this revelation about the Fulton County bench, it’s no wonder Georgia is a laughingstock.


No one safe from street harassment

In response to “Atlanta: Not too busy to harass” (Opinion, Nov. 14), to those seeing “street harassment” as restricted to black men: I was once on a MARTA train when a young white man began getting inappropriately sexually aggressive. A young black man, a stranger to me, advised, “Change cars” as he left. I followed his advice.

For those thinking street harassment only occurs toward women in sexy attire: My ex-husband saw a woman in full Islamic garb, including long flowing dress and head scarf, standing on the street. A young man called out to her, “Hey-hey! Hot stuff!”


Did rescued dog have to suffer?

Wendell Brock’s Personal Journey account of his dog Lucy (“Rescue me,” Living & Arts, Nov. 9) is surely bittersweet and moving. However, if Mr. Brock indeed loved his dog Lucy so much, why did he allow her to suffer the misery of the horrors he “didn’t go in to”? The veterinarian could have released Lucy from her pain and fright — truly an act of unselfish love.


Luckovich applies double standard

So editorial cartoonist Mike Luckovich believes it’s wrong for the Koch brothers to spend large amounts of money to support Republicans in an election (Opinion, Nov. 9). But somehow George Soros and Warren Buffet contributing millions (if not billions) to support Democrats’ campaigns and causes is off his radar screen. Mike Luckovich’s idea of election fairness: Heads, Democrats win; tails, Republicans lose.