Trump’s overtures to Left are routinely ignored
A reader wrote, “If Trump really wanted to protect the 800,000 Dreamers, all he had to do was issue another executive order making it permanent” (“The Left aren’t the ones spinning up ‘fake news’,” Readers Write, April 8). That sounds like a typical liberal position: Give me everything that I want, I don’t give you anything that you want, and the world will be just fine. What if Trump had taken the opposite position and proposed the wall without giving anything? I’m sure the liberals would scream to high heaven, “That’s not fair!” Fact is, in exchange for the wall, Trump offered amnesty for 1.5 million illegals. Sounds like a middle ground to me! But the liberals looked a gift horse in the mouth and said no. They really don’t want the DACA issue settled. That would eliminate a talking point in the upcoming elections.
Regarding (“Liberals ignore those who aren’t anti-gun,” Readers Write, April 8), how could the author conclude that the school resource officer involved in the Maryland high school shooting “undoubtedly saved lives” and “neutralized” the shooter, proving the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” theory? The killer fired two shots total. Using his dad’s handgun, he fired one shot that killed a girl he had targeted and injured a second student. He did not fire another shot for more than three minutes until he was confronted by the officer. He then fired one more shot, killing himself just as the officer simultaneously fired a shot that hit the shooter’s weapon. If the shooter had been packing the kind of deadly weaponry used by the Parkland, Florida, high school killer on Valentine’s Day that left 14 children dead and another 14 wounded, what would be the spin then?
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