Readers Write: May 24

A farcical question on TAD plan

Dear DeKalb Schools Superintendent Green:

You started your guest column (“We’re investing in students, not in developing property,” Opinion, May 15) asking if I would make a costly investment in a deal that won’t fully pay off until 2050. My answer was immediately “Yes, of course!” I do it every single paycheck, when I give up a large percentage of my pay to 401(K) and IRA accounts. And I won’t see a dime until 2060, actually. By then, I hope to be in pretty good shape, instead of being lost in a financial wasteland like the one you’re setting up your school district to be in because of your short-sightedness. But you know the question you pose is a farce, because you’re not “losing” or “spending” that money from an account; TADs are about investing future revenue — revenue you won’t have because you forgot that part of “developing students” is developing a better community in which they can live.


Gonzalez doomed to fail with team

This is one very unhappy and furious Braves season ticket-holder. How the front office could fire Fredi Gonzalez after the many talented players they traded, and then gave him so few strong players to work with, is beyond me — and I’m sure, many others. As far as I’m concerned, they should fire the entire front office. Yes, there are some good players on the team, but right now they are not clicking. And who brought these players in over the winter? The front office. Working for the future? Great, but why get rid of the guy that was doing a tough job with so little to work with?