Readers Write: March 28

Only Dems benefit from large gov’t

Democrats lose because they offer nothing to working Americans but higher taxes and more regulation that usually benefits campaign donors and crony capitalists like Warren Buffet.

Their constituents are comprised mainly of those who benefit most from a larger and more intrusive government: Academia, public service unions, and those who have no idea how money is created and how an economy grows.


Letter-writer doesn’t understand Islam

The letter-writer of (“Do peaceful Muslims sympathize with caliphate,” Readers Write, March 16), solicits an answer. Indeed, Christianity has two distinct groups, Catholicism and Protestantism (30,000-plus subgroups globally), but, surely, having “an idea of what they believe” can’t be said of all. Obviously, believers may interpret scriptures differently, from extremists to ultra-liberal. Islam has two groups, Shia’ and Sunni, with some subgroups but same essentials. The Abrahamic religions, despite some differences, have similar fundamentals (Quran mentions Jesus most often). And it is simplistic to say that “sect A believes Quran requires Muslims to subdue or kill infidels, and sect B does not believe that.” Such cherry-picking (without context) can understandably cause confusion, similar to saying, “Christian” KKK’ers are biblically justifying racial superiority, or “Christians” wishing annihilation of all “Muslims/pagans”

Further, the letter-writer displays his ignorance: “most Muslims avoid announcing their core beliefs about infidels and secretly sympathize with the desire to establish caliphate.” Again, that’s like saying most Christians avoid announcing their “secret” wish to establish a “whites-only, Christian nation.”

I sincerely ask the writer to know “other” believers, read some authentic sources, and/or participate in interfaith conversations. There are huge commonalities.