GOP’ers inquisition did their cause no favors
In their venomous attempt to destroy whatever shred of credibility Michael Cohen might have left, Republicans unwittingly impugned even further the character and legitimacy of Donald Trump. If Cohen is as evil as they make him out to be, it makes one question more vigorously the kind of president who would have such a person in his or her employ. Surely the president has long known the kind of person his "fixer" is. "Guilt by association" is not an unreasonable concept to consider as cause for further investigation. Most disturbing was the behavior of the representatives. They spoke with such hatred and cruelty, it casts far more doubt on their own integrity than was cast on Cohen. Really, I can't imagine acting in so ugly a manner to my worst enemy. When Trump is proven to be the traitor that he surely is, will his allies treat him so uncivilly? HARRY W. BOONE, ATLANTA
Pols can’t do one job while running for another
After 47 years of keeping up with national politics as an independent, it is amazing to me that a U.S. congressperson or senator can announce and form a campaign committee to run for higher office, including for president of our United States. Under current law, if they run for higher office and lose, they are still a congressperson or senator. To run for president is very a time-consuming, 24-7 effort. There is no way they can perform the duties of the office for which they were elected while on the stump from California to Florida to Maine. To run, you should resign or at least, your term of office should expire at its end. One cannot perform elected duties when on the stump. If you agree, ask your congressperson and senator to change the law.
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