Dems, courts need to get real on terrorism

The London Bridge attack was the third Islamist terrorist attack in Britain in as many months. The second in 11 days. Many killed, scores injured. Prime Minister Theresa May said June 4, “Embarrassing conversations need to be had.” May was not “embarrassed” to call out Islamist extremism and too much tolerance in the U.K. No more Islamist safe-spaces, no more unfettered Internet and conversation privacy, no more separate communities, no more short jail sentences. Counterterrorism versus defensive strategies is required, she said.

Yet, the London Mayor said, “London is the safest global city.” Really? He sounds like American Democrats and the 9th and 4th Circuit Courts that are denying President Trump’s 90-day temporary travel interruption, so that the travelers from these hotbed terrorist cauldrons will be properly vetted. The court’s convoluted logic is that candidate Trump made derogatory Muslim comments on the stump. Do the Democrats and RINOs like John McCain think that these atrocities are carried out by Norwegians?


Health care for all is what’s right and smart

As much as I enjoy watching Republican politicians crash on the shoals of their years-long obsession to repeal and replace Obamacare, I nevertheless write to throw them a life preserver.

President Trump and the GOP have promised to give all Americans affordable health care care while taking government out of it. The two goals are contradictory. The rest of the industrialized democratic world has proven that government-engineered universal health care produces healthier populations at far less cost.

If Congressional Republicans would join with Democrats to replace the flawed ACA with Medicare for everyone, health care would be neutralized as an issue. I don’t expect Republicans to do what’s right, but why can’t they do what’s smart?