U.S. must be proactive, innovative on jobs

It would be beautiful thing if all the jobs that have moved offshore would come back home. However, that’s not reality. We can fondly look back on years gone by, but don’t spend too much time doing that. The future is coming faster than most realize and we don’t need to get blindsided by that.

Many of the largest U.S. based companies are working furiously on artificial intelligence - IBM, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and many others. By way of example, I recently heard one of the major players state that within 10 years, computers and big data will replace radiologists. That’s amazing.

Rather than be retroactive, as a country we need to be proactive. Be prepared for the future.


What would Hillary do?

A short time ago a letter-writer offered for consideration “What would Donald have done under the conditions of the Cuban Missile Crisis?” This was a valid consideration, but, we should go further. What would Hillary do under similar circumstances? Would her response be “What difference does it make?” What about President Obama’s response/reaction? Would he just fail to ignore the danger and fail to identify the enemy? Would he declare that it is Cuba’s own national concern, and not ours?

Second thought:

Hillary Clinton talks about building bridges for those wanting to come into our country. I agree with the idea of building those bridges, and between every one of them we should construct those impenetrable walls. The bridges should be toll bridges to fund their construction. The bridges should be the funnel through which those immigrants may pass only when they are qualified and safe to have in our country.