Dog never should have been allowed on plane

It should be unlawful for any dog — big or small, caged or uncaged — to be allowed in the passenger compartment of a commercial airliner.

A dog on a leash being held by anyone is a dangerous situation, especially if the owner is handicapped. Even a seeing-eye dog should not be allowed, since it can’t safely guide its owner around on the plane. Takeoffs and landings are a white-knuckle time for most people and no one knows how all the activity and pressure changes can affect a dog.

The poor guy who had his face torn up by a vicious dog shows that the dog was out of control and uncontrollable and should have never been near passengers.


Freezing assessments means inequitable taxing

There have been a lot of stories about large increases in the assessed value of properties in Fulton County. After years of being undervalued, and after being prodded by the state, Fulton County increased the assessments to get them in line with fair market value. While I sympathize with those who saw their assessments rise by 50 percent to 100 percent, I am completely against the dubious proposal to freeze assessments at 2016 values.

Why? Because I live in the DeKalb County section of Atlanta. It is fairly common knowledge that DeKalb County does a better job keeping assessed values in line with actual values. This means DeKalb residents have been paying more than our fair share of city taxes for years.

If Fulton assessments are frozen, the gap will grow even larger. There is already a means to fight unfair assessments. Every Fulton County property owner has the right and ability to challenge their assessments. There is no need for weak-willed politicians to circumvent due process and continue the inequitable taxing of Atlanta DeKalb.


Adventurers have no business visiting N. Korea

There is much to-do over the untimely death of a young American after his visit to The Peoples Republic of Korea. But nothing is said about “fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.”

His untimely death is sad, but not a reason to precipitate another war with North Korea. It is a long-known fact that anyone visiting that dystopian country is putting their freedom, and possibly their life, in danger.

After warning of the dangers inherent in their visit, the United States should advise the adventurer that this country will not be responsible for whatever happens to them after their arrival.

We have over 2 million veterans of Truman’s ill-advised war with Korea, and 54,000 gave their lives in this first “unnecessary war.” Also, over more than 60 years, untold billions of American dollars are still being spent on stationing American troops in South Korea.

We must appear pretty dumb to other “advanced” countries.


Too much money was spent in 6th race

Regardless of the outcome in our recent election, we should all be rethinking the money we allow to be spent on campaigns in this country. Imagine the good we could have done if we in the Sixth District had been given $50 million to spend on our education, infrastructure, transportation and social services instead of campaign ads! All of us, no matter what our political views, should be calling for political finance reform. Millions of dollars spent on campaigns does not change the day-to-day lives of those who need better schools, healthcare, access to job training and improved transportation solutions.