Liberals only see one type of lack of diversity
Uh oh! Call the PC police on the South Fulton police! The AJC story (” ‘Black Girl Magic’ rules in South Fulton courts,” June 13, Metro) extols the positive impact of having zero racial and gender diversity in the leadership of South Fulton’s police department and court system. Apparently, “It’s a seemingly rare feat” ( i.e., an accomplishment) to have no men and no other races represented. “Such a criminal justice system seems revolutionary … .” From the continuing barrage of liberal messaging we receive daily from almost every media source, a lack of diversity and inclusiveness is abhorrent and a dire social calamity that we must take immediate action to rectify and eliminate — except in this case, I guess. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!
AJC right to offer conservative voices critical of Trump
Responding to the writer of “AJC should realize its ongoing left-wing bias” (Readers write, June 10), you must be new to the right-wing of American politics, the Republican Party, and the purpose of op-ed columns. If you had been a Republican for a long time, you would know that Ross Douthat, Kathleen Parker and George Will have been and are authors and award-winning columnists who have long been revered for their wisdom and support of all things right-wing in the United States. That is, until Trump became the Republican nominee for president. Today’s Trump party represents Trump. Oh, it goes under the name “Republican,” but it’s not Republican in any sense of the word. You called the columnists’ writings “anti-Trump” – an indication that being for or against Trump is how you measure their worth as right-wing representatives, not how they discuss right-wing and American ideals. The AJC, through these columnists, is representing the best Republicans have always offered: discussion and debate about how the U.S. is moving politically. But you are not asking for debate; you are demanding that the AJC’s op-ed editors present Trump’s vision, not create a substantive debate page that engages us all.
Liberal media underplays court ruling’s importance
Is there a media New Math? Since when does a 7-2 vote by U.S. Supreme Court jurists constitute a narrow victory? The New York Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and other media outlets report the court’s recent decision in the cake-baking controversy as a narrow victory for the baker and his attorneys. I can only wonder – if it were reversed, and the liberal plaintiffs had experienced a 7-2 victory, would it have been reported by the media as narrow? I do believe it would have been reported as a majority and overwhelming ruling in favor of the gay married couple.
Jesus’ views would be unpopular with today’s Right
If Jesus came down as a man today, Donald Trump would hate him because Jesus was a radical, non-violent revolutionary who was surrounded by hookers and crooks. He was not American, never spoke English, and was anti-wealth, anti-death penalty and anti-public prayer. He was never anti-gay, was never judgmental, never called the truly poor lazy, never justified the use of torture, never denied food to the hungry, never fought for a tax cut for the wealthiest Nazarenes, and never asked the sick for a co-pay. Jesus was a dark-skinned, homeless, community-organizing, anti-slut-shaming Middle Eastern Jew. Jesus is everything Trump doesn’t like or downright hates in a person. The president’s actions and words speak volumes about his true beliefs. May God have mercy on Trump’s soul.
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