System rough on poor

Picture this. You were supposed to appear in court about a traffic offense. You took time off from work to get there and saved money for the fine. The police do not show up so you were given a new court date. You could not afford to lose another day’s pay so you never went to court the second time. Six months later, you are stopped for something like walking down the street with an open can of beer or driving too fast. If you cooperate with the police and show them your ID, they will run your name and license and find that you have a warrant for your arrest because of a missed court date, so you shut your mouth and run and if you are in a car you step on it. Assuming you get caught but nothing bad has happened, you wind up in jail. You are poor but somebody bonds you out. Now you have to see a parole officer on a regular basis. This parole officer has to be paid each time you check in with him. The system is rough on the poor. At the time of arrest, all nonviolent offenders need to be offered a way to clean the slate without jail and without reporting to a parole officer. Fewer people running means less opportunity for mistakes by the police.


“Creation Care” matters

The article “Pope’s climate message awaited,” News May 31. described preparations of Catholics and clergy worldwide concerning Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment expected to be released in late June. “Creation Care” is expected to be the overriding theme and it will include concern for the effect of climate changes on the poor. As an aged preacher’s kid, I appreciate that church members look to our religious leaders for moral guidance concerning social responsibility. I also think the time to act was yesterday, but we haven’t yet and we need to address these concerns. The carbon fee and dividend will help reduce greenhouse gases and support the poor. Now is the time to let your representatives and senators know “Creation Care” matters.


Curious climate-change alarmists

I find it curious so many climate-change alarmists eagerly await the Pope’s encyclical to support their warnings, happily accepting his support. (“Pope’s climate message awaited,” News May 31). However, many of these same liberals would denounce, criticize and mock the Pope in a heartbeat were he to speak out against abortion or gay marriage, declaring his opinion out of touch and worthless.