Many Americans still have cowboy mentality

Because America is a “recent” nation, we have felt that the frontier still exists. The gun has always been the main weapon used by so many people in this country. Having largely been a product of Great Britain, we have failed in the gun department. Too many people view the gun as a way of life. The cowboy mentality seems to be the prevailing thought in determining how we shall protect ourselves. In a country where there is very little or no law and order, then one can see the need for the average person to feel compelled to protect himself as best he can. However, times have changed here in America. The threat of outlaws and Indians have all but disappeared. Too many of us still cling to the idea that we need to protect ourselves from impending doom, and hence feel obligated to acquire and carry some weapon — usually a gun. With that kind of thinking, you see what has happened in our country, as we allow more guns in too many public areas, and hence the number of deaths that are too frequently attributed to killing by guns.


New health plan will encourage competition

The Congressional Budget Office has asserted that, under the Republican's Health Insurance plan, 23 million Americans will be uninsured. The Democrats have tried to scare us by implying that these people will be prevented from buying insurance. The truth is, not that they will be prevented from buying insurance, but they will choose not to buy insurance. That is a big difference. We should applaud the objective of giving people more competition and more choices so they can decide to buy (or not buy) whatever works best for them. The important point is, as the CBO admits, insurance premiums for many people will decrease. And more competition will be encouraged, unlike ObamaCare where many people have only one or two choices of insurance plans.