ITP Amazon HQ2 win would worsen already-bad traffic

Regarding “The quest for Amazon’s HQ2 continues” (Editorial, July 8), each morning I see live TV news broadcasts of endless rows of vehicles creeping along the freeways and, in some cases, not moving at all. Their destination is Atlanta and its environs. A simple observation says Amazon’s placement in the heart of Atlanta will make matters worse — much worse. I read nothing about the giant company being located outside the Perimeter in a suburban area that can accommodate the additional traffic. Perhaps a downtown location is one of Amazon’s requirements for coming to Georgia. In that case, those who commute will have to get up an hour earlier and get home an hour later. Or buy a downtown condo and a scooter.


All political views needed to make America great

During the past few years, there have been a number of cases of politically corrupt officials in the Atlanta area. In many cases, the offenders were kicked out of office before the next election. Sometimes it was citizens and politicians of the opposite party — and the press — that rooted out the corruption. Sometimes it was a new leader of either stripe who fixed the problem. But neither Republican nor Democratic voters want their leaders to be morally bankrupt. One party can’t and won’t be able to fix everything. Bipartisan solutions tend to last longer. We all must work together to address important issues in addition to corruption, such as national security, the economy, jobs, health care, gun policy, climate change, immigration, race and gender relations, and many other critical concerns. It takes Democrats, Republicans, independents — people of all political views — to make this country great.


Confederate carvings not a real threat to blacks

Attention, NAACP: Black female (and Life Member) here. Why waste time and resources protesting stone carvings and monuments? Are they hurting anyone? Let’s say the carvings are blasted, and all whites even apologize for slavery. OK, then what? Will we then have less black-on-black crime? Fewer births to unwed mothers? Higher rates of blacks graduating from high school, college and grad school? More doctors, lawyers, contractors, architects, coders, entrepreneurs? More marriages and a return to family structure? Carvings and monuments are a part of history. To “advance” the people, focus your energies on current needs of the community. Then, use resources to erect a monument of accomplished blacks who overcame the strains and sins of the past, and place it in front of the carving. Refocus, NAACP. Stop whining; stop wasting time. There are more critical ills afflicting the black community than inanimate carvings and monuments.


AJC recalls when bipartisanship was alive, well

Regarding Leroy Chapman’s Opinion piece, “The regression of politics since ’03” (July 8) – it was definitely on point! It was a wonderful example of two men – Sens. Joe Biden and Strom Thurmond – with such different ideologies politically, who worked together, respected each other, and agreed to disagree at times. We all need to follow their example. I expect our leaders to set that example and the tone for our country, but unfortunately, many are too extreme in their views. They have set aside civility to fulfill their own agenda, beginning with the man at the top. Since we cannot always depend on our leaders to do the right thing, we should take the lead in our own lives and treat each other better, and with respect. It’s OK if we don’t always agree. We should expect more civility and moderation from our leaders. Our country depends on it.