Krauthammer column full of hot air

Columnist Charles Krauthammer believes a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and other members of the Trump campaign and a couple of Russian officials was “collusion” (“Bungled collusion by Trump Jr. is still collusion,” Opinion, July 15). Collusion is the “secret agreement or cooperation for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose.” according to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. While it was a boneheaded move by a political novice, who should have known better, it fails the tests of collusion, nor was it illegal, per legal experts Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley. Krauthammer further states the meeting was “deeply wrong, a fundamental violation of of any code of civic honor.” Krauthammer has a high-minded view of American politics. I would ask the good doctor, “When have Americans in hard fought campaigns adhered to a ‘code of civic honor?’”


U.S. in retreat of climate progress

We look to leaders to move us forward positively. Moral leaders take us toward what is right and good. We currently lack that type of leadership. The United States has backed out of the Paris Accord on climate change. Not only have we surrendered what makes sense for our country, we have failed to live up to our moral leadership in the world. Instead of moving toward solar (projected to be the least expensive electricity by 2030), wind or other sustainable energy, our leadership hopes to take us back to an earlier time when coal was king. It is a bad decision for our country and the world in general. Since China is making great strides in meeting their Paris obligations, it — along with other nations — have been handed the baton for both industrial and moral leadership by our abdication of it. We seem to be in ignominious retreat.