Gingrich wrong about Sharia law
Reacting to the recent terrorist atrocity in France, Newt Gingrich — always brash and bombastic — has further strengthened his position among the ignoramus. Gingrich says: “We should frankly test Muslims and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization.” The suggestion persuaded one media outlet to label Gingrich as going “full-tilt crazy.” He, like Trump, Cruz, and some others, consistently dignify ignorance whenever they discuss such topics. During the 2011 presidential debates, Gingrich called Muslims “Nazis.” And he pretends to be a history scholar/professor!
Gingrich’s bigotry is about like suggesting “test every person of Jewish background to see if they believe in Halacha — if so, deport them.” Or test Christians if they practice Canon Law. The scholar ought to know that Islamic Sharia is quite analogous to Halacha and Canon Law (meaning, “the way”). Each has several schools of interpretations, from fundamentalist to liberal.
As for Western civilization, anyone with some historical depth ought to know that our own laws borrowed considerably from Islamic Sharia.
Cruz self-destructs on national TV
I, as many others, looked forward to the Republican National Convention and was enjoying watching it. That is, until Ted Cruz put a damper on the entire evening with his decision to not endorse Donald Trump. I clearly remember him promising to support the Republican candidate during the first debates. Is he not a man of his word? Did he selfishly contribute to the possible ruination of his political career? Unfortunately for him, I and many others tend to think so.
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