To prevent tragedy,

look at many causes

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and similar tragedies, our nation has gone into a frenzy to find a solution.

Some people demand tighter gun controls and limits on the Second Amendment. Others demand media controls and limits on the First Amendment. Still others demand that better mental health care be made available. It is my opinion that some measure looking at all three approaches is necessary.

The NRA, in blaming the media — and specifically, movies and video games — is disingenuous. Other countries have youth watching the same movies and playing the same video games as American youth, yet these countries do not experience the wholesale violence that has become prevalent here. Why? Other countries have successfully limited gun availability, yet maintain a system of private gun ownership that assures personal freedom. Why can’t something similar be implemented here?

Blaming somebody else is not going to proffer a solution. We must remove from the equation those with an ulterior agenda, and address the problem honestly. Otherwise, the status quo will continue; nothing will be done, and more innocents will die.



Cut federal spending,

fire all of Congress

Let’s fire everyone in Congress and hire two people to do their job: one Democrat, who will vote “yes” on everything, and one Republican, who will vote “no” on everything. We’ll still have gridlock, but look at all the money we’ll save!


Problem isn’t GOP,

it’s Obama’s policies

Mr. Bookman (“GOP’s problems can be traced right back here,” Opinion, Jan. 2) accurately surmises that Republicans have a problem with their “brand” — their reputation tainted by what he defines as extremism and radicalism displayed among Republican candidates and the GOP caucus.

Mr. Bookman engages in what has become the primary tool of our biased mainstream media in their quest to stifle legitimate Republican dissent — using inflammatory characterizations, rather than answering the argument. It’s an effort to incite emotionalism and divert attention from the real issue threatening the future of our country: out-of-control spending by a president who has specifically stated he wants to “fundamentally transform the United States of America,” while denying an equal branch of government its constitutional power to control the purse.



Clean up Legislature

by expelling lobbyists

The AJC tells us that lobbyists are as thick as fleas in Georgia’s Legislature. These “expert advisers” have long been known by the public as paid sycophants of companies seeking state business. They do this by being gift-givers for eager officials. There is nothing new there.

The solution to rid ourselves of these blatant bribers is also known. Jesus ran the money-changers out of the temple without hesitation or a smile. Let us do the same.