Response to "The Filmmaker" Living, Feb. 3

Can a leopard change its spots? Can a man who grew up in an atmosphere of intolerance and hate toward blacks and Jews change his ingrained beliefs?

After reading Bo Emerson’s fascinating article about filmmaker Paul Saltzman and his relationship with Byron De La “Delay” Beckwith, I’d like to believe this is possible — but I still have my doubts.



‘Food police’ should

just leave Coke alone

Coca-Cola’s TV ad addressing obesity is drawing criticism (“Business roles are expanding,” Business, Feb. 3). Coca-Cola has always been very good at marketing a product that has been loved by millions for over 100 years. However, when the “food police” start telling people what and how much food or drink to consume, or the “environmental extremists” start telling companies what kind of “footprint” they should have, even a great marketing company like Coca-Cola can have trouble with a response.

Perhaps most of the people at Coca-Cola are just like most of the individuals and families across America, in that they just want the freedom to be able to make their own decisions on issues like this. Therefore, the Coke people probably struggle with appropriate responses to the “control crowd” whose line of thinking is so different from the natural order of things in America.

Coca-Cola is a great company that provides products we all love. They should be left alone to do what they do best, and we consumers will take care of the rest.



Clinton earns kudos

for handling senators

In the recent hearing on Benghazi, Gail Collins noted in her column, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was wearing large new eyeglasses “to control her concussion-related double vision”(“Why we’re sure to see more of Hillary Clinton,” Opinion, Feb. 3).

Not only did she deal bravely and well with the Republican senators described appropriately as “snarling” — but she may have been seeing twice as many of them as were actually there! My admiration for former Secretary Clinton just doubled.



Border patrol postings

should go to veterans

I have been a subscriber to your paper ever since I moved to Georgia six years ago. From day one, I have been impressed with how the staff reports the news, the good and the bad. You report from the center — not the left or the right.

With constant talk about immigration, border patrol, returning servicemen and women, etc., I am suggesting coverage on the following suggestion. Why not assign our returning troops to our border patrol? The constant cry is that we do not have enough people. Many of our military people will be facing unemployment.

We send our people all over the globe to protect our interests. Why not send them to our own borders? They would be closer to their families and less in harm’s way. Give them the dignity that they deserve after returning home to a country they were protecting.