Dems don’t acknowledge Trump’s compassion

What’s the best way to ensure Trump’s reelection in 2020? For Democrats to ignore an historic opportunity to achieve the common goals of both parties and the president’s willingness to deal on immigration while failing to provide funding for physical barriers at our nation’s southern (border). Unfortunately, Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer think they won the recent partial government shutdown, and that the president “caved.” Nothing could be further from the truth! He simply challenged them to do what they said, to negotiate in good faith if he reopened the government. The president showed compassion, understanding and leadership when he ended the recent partial government shutdown. The question is, can Nancy show the leadership necessary to resolve this issue for the House, or will her vindictiveness and hatred for the president rule the day?


I read the article, “FBI finds no specific motive in 2017 Las Vegas shooting” (News, Jan. 30). As a gun owner and longtime sports shooter, I have had many conversations with fellow shooters regarding my endorsements of gun violence control measures. I often question the “need” for high-capacity magazines, military-style assault weapons, bump stocks and their ilk, silencers, and other firepower-enhancing devices in the hands of ordinary citizens. The arguments in favor usually devolve to a simple, “I want/have them just because I can.” In the absence of the FBI finding any other motivations, it appears Stephen Paddock assembled his arsenal and began his killing spree “just because he could.” I don’t doubt there are other such miscreants among us. The only distinguishing factor I can perceive is the easy availability of overwhelming firepower, “just because they can.”