Open borders crowd ignores harm it causes
A recent letter praised Sen. Johnny Isakson for joining with Democrats to keep the government open (Readers Write, Jan. 30). There has been great sympathy for the 800,000 government employees sent home for four weeks. Where is the concern for the safety and health of the 330 million people in this country subjected to MS13 gang murders, terrorists, a flood of drugs, and a serious drain on schools, hospitals and government services? There is nothing ill-conceived about stopping this attack on our nation’s sovereignty. The pro-open borders crowd is appalled by the detention of 3,000 illegal immigrant children who are actually being safely provided for free of charge. Yet this same crowd seems to care little for 880,000 children aborted in the U.S. each year. We don’t need any more politicians who simply go along to get along and forget about the American public.
No ‘Road to Damascus’ conversion by Sen. Graham
Re: George Will’s Jan. 27 Opinion column, “History won’t be kind to legislators who shirk duty,” Sen. Lindsey Graham does not qualify as having had a “Road to Damascus” experience. Graham was simply a sidekick to the late John McCain; he was flagrant in his negative opinions of Mr. Trump. Then, not from any conviction or conversion, he became a Trump lackey, evidently to ward off political demise. The real road to Damascus experience by the Apostle Paul caused a stunning personal change — from persecuting Christians to becoming a zealous advocate of Christianity. Paul established churches; wrote 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament; became a martyr; and introduced the concept of love (1 Corinthians 13:1-8). Swiss existential psychiatrist Dr. Ludwig Binswanger notes that “the breakthrough in the religion of love, in Christianity … changed the psychic countenance of mankind.” The experiences of the apostle and the senator are in no way comparable!
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