Benton is ignorant about slavery
State Rep. Tommy Benton is in a minority of Americans who think the Civil War was not about slavery. Those of us who have studied the history of slavery in the South know that the war was all about slavery. To believe otherwise is to ignore the facts. God knows, many wars are started because of ignorance. As we as humans evolve into more intelligent and compassionate beings, we begin to look at history with an overwhelming sense of how could we have been so cruel, selfish and greedy. Yes, times were different in the centuries that Southerners kept slaves, but that does not excuse it. Yes, many ignorant young and poor Southern soldiers gave their lives to protect the right of wealthy landowners to keep their slaves. We can remember these soldiers, but we also have to remember the viciousness of the institution of slavery.
Kristof, writer don’t have facts on gun control
Both Nicholas Kristof and a recent letter-writer miss the point on his article about gun control. Mr. Kristof correctly points out that homicide rates have dropped significantly while gun ownership has expanded dramatically. He also confirms that the guns used by all the high-profile shooters were obtained either in compliance with, or by violating, existing gun laws. None were purchased using the nonexistent “gun show loophole.” Yet more background checks and fewer guns is what they ask for. What about some research and opinion on what factors caused the homicide rate to drop so significantly and how to expand in that area? And let’s prosecute those who violate existing gun laws to the full extent allowed.
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