Supporting Trump in our best interest

We have a lucky, unique God-given, one-of-a-kind opportunity with Trump to recreate some of what the U.S.A. was founded on. Not necessarily what it used to be, but what it could and should be. We must not waste it. Whether you like him or not, with all his faults, a person has been elected who has the guts to make it happen. We should all help to see that it does.


Travel ban hurts our nation’s values

I feel betrayed. Betrayed by the leaders of my country who claim to uphold its values. The values that I am proud of, that were taught to me by my country America and reaffirmed by my religion, Islam.

Those values being: to care for the refugee and to treat everyone equally, no matter their religion. Yet with a whisk of his pen, our president systematically discriminated against my entire religion, and turned away the refugees seeking freedom in our nation.

Technically, President Trump did not directly ban all Muslims, but his adviser, Rudy Giuliani, said that he wanted this executive order to be a “legal Muslim ban.” This statement reveals the extent to which this ban breaks the spirit behind the law. Quietly skirting around the limits of the law will only lead to more actions which will hurt the very values that our nation stands for. I understand the need to vet the refugees and immigrants to ensure that their intentions are pure, but we should still make sure that they have the opportunity to come to our great nation.

Before we find ourselves in a situation where we have to explain to future generations how we let hate envelop our society to such a degree, we must stand up. Even if it is as little as advocating for refugees and Muslims or by contacting our senators to tell them to put more pressure on President Trump to defend the rights of all Americans.