Readers Write: Feb. 14

HB 51 treats female students like kids

State Rep. Earl Ehrhart, R-Powder Springs, tried to camouflage his ongoing war on college women in HB 51 by including all felonies. But the hearing made clear that the bill continues Ehrhart’s obsession with preventing universities from expelling students who have committed sexual assault. (He got the Board of Regents to pass a policy last spring, but that wasn’t enough for him). Ehrhart’s latest missile conditions a women’s access to her Title IX rights on a report to the police, then allows her rights to be snatched away because the student disciplinary proceeding “prejudices” the criminal case. When I asked a legislator why he thought the state could take away a college woman’s right to decide for herself whether to make a police report, that legislator said we have mandatory reporting of child abuse. Georgia Tech female students helped discover gravitational waves and water on Mars, but the Georgia General Assembly treats them like children.


Democrats mean to destroy themselves

Are fair-minded Democrats OK with the mean-spirited, vile things said about our President Trump? I don’t think so. Even the leaders of the Democratic Party have joined in on the assault. Sen. Chuck Schumer plans to fight and delay all of President Trump’s appointees and Sen. Tim Kaine wants citizens to go to the streets. Sen. Kaine is promoting anarchy telling our people to riot in the streets. If I were a Democrat, I would be embarrassed! I hope the big names in Hollywood will finally realize that their influence in elections is zero. They should spend all of their time improving their acting skills, especially Ashley Judd and Madonna. I think if the hate from the Democratic Party continues like it has since this last presidential election, it will lose a great number of its members and destroy itself!