Founders wrote Constitution to protect ‘God’s law’

Kudos to Cal Thomas for having the courage to write a column (“Our culture needs return to conservative morals,” Opinion, Dec. 2) that lays the blame for America’s current immoral state squarely where it belongs: on America’s rejection of “the laws of nature and of nature’s god” that Thomas Jefferson declared in the Declaration of Independence to be the two foundational laws for the United States of America.

Using these two laws as their foundation, the founders created a Constitution designed to protect these two laws that would establish a nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” with laws that could govern an ever-growing nation of freedom-loving people.

Thomas is right, America has forgotten that it grew into adulthood nurtured by Noah Webster’s ‘America’s Spelling Book,’ a grammar book that included a daily Bible quote that developed the virtues of “God’s law.”


Senators have abandoned ethics, morals

Both of our senators voted for a tax bill that removes any deduction for school supplies teachers need to buy but keeps that essential tax break for private jet owners. They voted to remove student loan interest deductions, but understood how important yachts are so they left in the yacht tax break. They are obviously no fans of home ownership because they voted to remove state and local tax deductions and cap the amount of property tax you can deduct. However, they know how burdensome and complicated vast inheritance can be so they got rid of the estate tax, so now we can freely hand down those millions.

Our senators seem to understand the need to dump any and all moral and ethical core beliefs they have stood by for the last eight years in order to keep their noses brown and explode the deficit.