Coach Richt really deserves better

Come on Jeff Schultz, I’m a Tech fan but Mark Richt is such a class act he wouldn’t take a job for spite. I thought you were too classy to even suggest such a move from Richt. I would love to see him be a big winner there. Kirby Smart is going to have to walk on water like the Bear or Saban and I wish him well also. I think sportswriters contribute to the hue and cry for a coach’s scalp. It’s just the way things are today; what a shame! Just my thoughts, thanks.


Fight terrorism, not climate change

Mike Luckovich’s talent as a political cartoonist brilliantly exposes the Loony Left’s mind. His illustration of climate change as a huge snarling rat and ISIS as a tiny mouse shows just how obtuse Luckovich and those of his ilk are when viewing the real world. As a reader of the AJC for many years, I’ve written off Luckovich as a just a skilled artist with a warped political view, so his portrayal of climate change doesn’t really concern or surprise me. However, the fact that our President and over 100 other countries convened in Paris recently to discuss how to defeat climate change instead of the very real threat of global terrorism just two weeks after ISIS massacred 129 people and terribly wounded scores of others is alarming and shameful. The attacks in Paris and San Bernardino should prove the least of our concerns right now is climate change.


Pearl Harbor given short shrift

The AJC has a strange way of remembering wars. December 7’s issue had a small bottom corner on the front page about an old warplane found on the ocean floor near Hawaii. In discussing the plane, WWII was casually mentioned. On another page, a short story mentioned the missing WWII dog tags of someone’s grandfather had been found and returned from Italy. All very interesting, but a short remembrance of a war in which 1,076,245 were killed or wounded and over 30,000 are listed as missing. Then comes mention of the Civil War and AJC prints page after page, day after day, with commentaries, discussion and suggestions for new monuments. This was a war over 150 years ago with 750,000 listed as total casualties. If we go by lives lost to rate importance of wars, WWII comes out first. Otherwise it would seem that death is not as important as dominance or something!


Register women for draft?

Recently, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced that all combat jobs in the U.S. military will now be open to women. What should follow is requiring all females register for Selective Service. If Secretary Ash believes women are capable for all combat jobs, he should be the loudest voice requiring female Selective Service registration. If all jobs in the military are open to females, it is only fair that females register for Selective Service. Because of the hypocrisy, females should not expect the same level of respect as males who are required to register. What do the presidential candidates have to say about this issue? What say you, Hillary Clinton?


Why not advocate for pipe bombs?

I’ve read that sales of weapons have risen. OK, I am now a believer. We need more guns to stop these senseless killings and protect ourselves from terrorists. I totally agree that more open-carry; more guns in more places will stop these mass killings, but I need to know — when do the benefits kick in? Take San Bernandino for instance, did those holiday celebrants need handguns in their purses and pockets, or did some of them need to show up with AK-47s over their shoulders? Should there have been pipe bombs under the tree — how else can we combat pipe bombs? Handguns won’t work, so I am thinking a few pipe bombs in those Christmas bags would have stopped the killings — or at least the thought of pipe bomb-to-pipe bomb would have discouraged the bombers. I am going out today to buy my guns. I just don’t how many, or how big to buy. And I just want to know when this stops the madness.